Samantha's Diary.. 

2004-04-17 - 12:27 a.m.

Quote for the day: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

-William Shakespeare

Recently our pipes under our house broke and all the water and stuff..I will say stuff so I wont get graphic on you went under our house. It smelled, the poor plumber fixed it for us said who ever put it in jerry rigged it the first time forcing these pipes that didn�t belong together, together�A pox on those people!!! Sigh�ok maybe one little bitty pox? Mole? Pimple? Darn I hope it scars on them!

A few days ago I was out in porch and I see all these knat�s not sure if you spell that correctly swarming near my door, I wondered where they came from, then I saw them. They were swarming from a hole under my house. I wonder why!!! Daughter brought me a can of flying bug spray and I proceeded to spray.

If anyone ever saw the last Matrix the scene was sort of like that one where the huge man operated robots were battling those mechanical bugs. They shot them over and over again in one big spray of bullets and they kept coming again and again in swarms, thousands and thousands of them. It was sort of like that scene.

I screamed at my daughter to get my son to safety in the house. �Die Die! I screamed at them but they kept coming out. Finally my finger was getting dumb and I felt from the lightweight of the can that it soon to be empty. I plunged my hand deeper into the hole one last time to get me a running start then dropped the can and ran for the house. Door closed we stayed there the rest of the day.

The next day they were gone, for now. I had a rotten day today. I hate to write about it but its kind of funny when I think about it now some parts. The goats and sheep got out of their electric fence. It just magically fell down and I heard our goat with the bell near my window today.

My lime tree, my plum tree!!!! I ran out to chase them to the field. I didn�t dare go anywhere cause they would come back but I had to grocery shop. Husband of course on Fridays doesn�t answer his phone. In fact he left it at our house.

I decided I better try to put them in myself. This never usually goes well. I am after all just the WOMAN they do not respect me like they do my husband THE MAN. Husband says its because I am always in a hurry and angry. So I took some calm breaths, took the fence down so they could go through, got some corn and started walking slowly to the field with the bucket and called them.

Like the pied piper they followed with only one incident with one of them trying to get her head inside the bucket. I was calm though and didn�t get angry.

I was just crossing the down fence when it happened. My foot got stuck in electric downed fence and I went forward face first into the field with the corn scattering about me and goats and sheep swarming me, so much for being calm and not angry. I did manage to get them in and went to the store.

Later I was picking up something and the branch came up and punched me in the stomach. I still don�t know how that happened. In the house I was trying to get my son in shower and I ran into the doorknob with my arm. By then I was limping and such pain.

What a day, tomorrow our belated Easter party..what fun!

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Texas Flower the Bluebonnet
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I am just a simple country wife 42yrs living with my wonderful husband Tom for 19yrs. I have two children Tommy 7yrs and Miranda 14yrs and tons of animals. We live on 15 acres south of San Antonio Tx with a pecan orchard. These our my notes more than a diary on living for my family, organizing, homeschooling, health and being closer to God . Again this is for me, if you have a problem with the way I write hey this is free country go away but have a nice day!
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